Recent Posts 9.27.23 Day 28 Last Day! 662 miles total! Done. Complete! Thank you Dr. Joanne for accompanying me... 9.26.23 Day 27: Racine, WI, Walking with Allison Becker, ND, Evansville, WI, Day 27 and 28 morning: Rain yesterday morning, heavy... 9.25.23 Day 26 Made it to Wisconsin for Health Equity Day 26: September 25, 2023 2 days left Walk... 9.24.23 Chicago with my sister ... 9.24.23 Day 25 Chicago, Wrigley Field, Ran into Tracey Thomas, ND Day 24 of 28, Sunday, 9.24.22 Chicago to Lake... 10.7.22 Day 26 of 29 Met cyclists and fellow Northern Californians Jenna and Bryce at the NC/Tennessee border cycling from Knoxville to Asheville! 54 miles to go!!