Day 19: 9.16.23 Purdue Game Day; Rotarian dinner party; Bistro 501; Global festival This was a SUPER Saturday, starting the day at Dr. Amy Tweedle’s house, and ending at …
Day 20: 9.17.23 Excitement After eating a delicious and filling breakfast bowl prepared by Dennis, Renee and D. dropped me off ready to start my grueling 55 mile walk …
Days 18 9.15.23 Unbelievable Support Amy Tweedle, ND, President of Indiana Association of Naturopathic Physicians, a busy mom of three and practicing ND, reached out to me a couple …
Day 18: 9.15.2023 Amazing So, another short elevator ride, another great person I met. So Julia and I breakfasted together. It turns out, Julia is the founder and director …
Just met Charles and his wife on the road.  Charles pulled over because he saw about the walk for health equity on the news in Indianapolis. We had …
Day 15/29 9.12.23 Beautiful walking weather; beautiful evening with amazing couple; wonderful conversation w 81 yo widow It was really a a great day yesterday. The weather was perfect …
Day 13 9.10.23: Coffee shop shocker, Maria, cuz Greg, Helping a brother out This morning, ready for 7-8 miles without water and food, but as I headed out from …