No, I haven’t been arrested. This is the white wall of a Methodist church porch in rural South Carolina. The grass is completely saturated and has standing puddles everywhere I have seen today so a tent on grass is not possible. So, I’m camping on a church porch!
I finished a couple miles short as I got a late start with a Myrtle Beach media today, a swim in the Atlantiic for the ceremonial start from coast to coast. I will make up the miles by Fayetteville on Friday!
The Jamaicans at Starbucks were simply amazing! One barista was so touched by the cause and the walk itself she donated $20!
The humidity was close to 100% the entire day. My shorts were soaked all day! Thank God my sIster, Mary Rita, suggested these shorts/pants and incredibly comfortable material. Now I have the extensions to make into pants for the mosquitos!
I thank God for you, even if I just know you in social media. I care about you, and I appreciate you, and you are important to me! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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