A great day in Chapel Hill/Carrboro w Jim Roberts, Susan DeLaney, Treasurer of North Carolina Assoc of Naturopathic Physicians, and Jeremiah. A young reporter/journalism student at University of NC did an incredible job with her amazing, heartfelt questions. We were blown away with her professionism, personality, and care for Health Equity and the Walk!
The food we had tonight was out of this world! Thank you Susan and Jim for the dinner, and for your media help, and your extremely enthusiastic support of the walk’s mission.
Before I tell you this story, I wanted to let you know, I’m ok. I do want to give a plug for supporting mental health.
Today, while walking between Durham and Chapel Hill, while I was crossing a street, an apparently homeless and mentally ill person punched me in the face. I didn’t see it coming as I was talking to another person that is homeless. I am ok. Nothing was broken and I don’t feel bruised. I’m very lucky. I’ve never been in a fight before, and had no idea what a punch in the face feels like. I do now. I was shaken up a little, but I kept walking. It could’ve happened anywhere, even in my hometown!