Arriving in Greensboro today which is the home of the International Civil Rights Museum. More on this great museum/organization tomorrow!
The weather has changed dramatically! Right now it is 49 degrees! I think I’ll keep my long sleeve shirt and shorts/pants combo. My Raynaud’s Disease (cold hands and numbness) I can feel coming on.
The most challenging part of walking on a 2 lane highway with zero shoulder is that every time I have to go to the grassy area and get off the pavement for a vehicle coming near dramatically increases the risk of blisters. I have been able to avoid blisters so far but as the day wears on, and going off the road increases, I feel them potentially coming on. Synthetic socks are the best way to prevent, and staying on the pavement.
Yesterday going through Snow Camp on the route to Greensboro it rained hard for about 20 minutes which hasn’t happened since the first day of the walk.
Thank God it’s Friday, although these words doesn’t have much meaning on this journey!
Have a wonderful weekend!
If you would to help with expenses for the walk:
Instagram: WalkUSAForHealthEquity
Twitter: healthequtywalk