October 1, 2022; Day 20 of 29
A little bit of blue sky! It is a much brighter day meeting Keke at Waffle House (when in North Carolina do as North Carolinians do)! And, on the way into WH met Beth and Rodney from Charlotte who were curious when they saw me walk in with my backpack! Both interested in heslth equity and the walk!!
Just 9.5 days to go until Knoxviille, TN. I’m Looking forward to seeing my sister Mary Rita Godby Ely for five days in the Asheville area beginning Monday eve. Also, Deborah Nixdorf, my NUMM classmate, has been so helpful and dedicated to the cause organizing in Asheville. If you are In Asheville area I hope you can meet and greet me at a 4:30 rally and media, Tuesday, October 4
The finale in Knoxville will conclude with a rally and media with super enthusiastic and wonderful Deborah Langheld, ND, and huge supporter, and family friend, Claudia Pederson Kehler.
Rally and media Knoxville City Hall, 4:30 pm, Monday, October 10.
If you would to help with expenses for the walk:
Instagram: WalkUSAForHealthEquity
Twitter: healthequtywalk
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