To make a donation on Venmo to the Walk, the donation will go to: @Dennis-Godby, Venmo, and @DennisGodby, PayPAl. Thank you so much for your donation to help defray the cost, which will help to improve the likelihood of making a major difference publicity-wise of the health equity cause of this 31 day, 670 mile event. Some of the expected, and costs already incurred, include the following: maintaining the website, social media, hotels, walking shoes, food, other supplies, transportation, publicity, and other unknown expenses. If you would like to make a donation for, a few ideas: 1 penny is $6.70, 10 cents is $67.00 and $1 is $670.00. Whatever you can help with is greatly appreciated.
If you prefer to donate with a check, instead of Venmo, please send check to:
Dr Dennis Godby, 2530 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95816