You can support Walk USA for Health Equity!

You can make a donation to the Walk, through VENMO, @Dennis-Godby, and PAYPAL @DennisGodby.  Thank you so much for your donation to help defray the cost, which will help to improve the likelihood of making a major difference publicity-wise of the health equity cause of this 155 day, 3,200 mile event. Some of the expected, and costs already incurred, include the following: maintaining the website, social media, hotels, walking shoes, food (need lots of it), other supplies, gas for support driver, transportation, publicity, and other unknown expenses. If you would like to make a donation for, a few ideas: 1 penny for this 735 mile leg from Fargo, ND to Bozeman, MT, $7.35, 10 cents is $73.50, and $1 is $735.00. Whatever you can help with, is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!

If you prefer to donate with a check, instead of Venmo or PayPal, please send check to:
Dr Dennis Godby, 2530 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95816

Donate with Venmo
Donate with PayPal